Kann ich meinem Hund Fischhaut geben?
Getrocknete Fischhaut ist für Hunde eine sehr willkommene Alternative zu herkömmlichen Goodies und Kausnacks, denn sie enthalten viele wichtige Näh...
She was born with a love of animals, as dogs were part of the family before she was born. Later, guinea pigs, horses and goats were added. It was very lucky and enriching to be able to grow up with so many animals. As a little girl, it was always her dream to become a veterinarian. This wish has not come true; she chose the commercial path, which she has never regretted. She completed her training in a trading company and held management positions in the events and real estate sectors.
At the Paramed in Baar, Alexandra Lehner completed a 4-year training course as a non-medical practitioner for animals and received her diploma. THP TEN completed. So she came a big step closer to my lifelong dream of working with and for animals. Today she is happy that she chose the path of complementary medicine.
Alexandra has been running her specialist shop "Freudentanz" for dogs in Uster since 2020. In her shop you will find the right dog food, suitable chews, many different treats, as well as toys, nutritional supplements and literature.
If you want to visit her, you can find her at Aathalstrasse 11 in Uster or via freudentanz.shop
Getrocknete Fischhaut ist für Hunde eine sehr willkommene Alternative zu herkömmlichen Goodies und Kausnacks, denn sie enthalten viele wichtige Näh...
Tatsächlich hat Fisch viele besonders wertvolle Vitamine, Mineralstoffe und auch ungesättigte Fettsäuren. Der Fisch ist somit ein wertvoller Energi...
Fisch ist ein bekömmlicher Eiweißlieferant für Hunde. Als Semi-Karnivoren brauchen Hunde eine ausreichende Menge an tierischen Proteinen und Fetten...